Tuesday 8 January 2013

New York, New York!

Just over a week has past since we left London and arrived in NYC, so much has happened in that time but I am going to do my best to remember it all and compile it here.
I really thought leaving London was going to be difficult; however as we made our way to the airport at 6am, the hilarity provided by the drunken masses making their way home from new years celebrations distracted us from any pangs of regret. Realising we had been bumped up to premium economy on our flight to NYC also softened the blow, we had the front seats as well so I could run back and forth to the bathroom as much as I wanted (anyone who has flown with me knows what a bonus this is).

Premium economy, don't mind if we do!

The flight passed in a haze of sleep deprivation (we were running on about 3 hours sleep), food (there was ALOT of it-see below) and disappointing movies (The Dictator and Pitch Perfect), before we knew it we were landing at JFK.

As we waited in line at immigration, I ran through my itinerary in my mind. Fully prepared to be grilled by the strict officers that would surely question us about our plans and funds for our 6 week trip.
Well, I was lucky if he said two words to me, we were through within minutes so we picked up our bags and braced ourselves to tackle the NYC subway.

I had worked out the lines we would have to take to get from the airport to our hotel, however i feared that the reality would be less than simple. Again, America surprised me-we found the Airtrain and transferred to the A line without any problems. Our hotel was only a short walk from the subway stop, we stayed in midtown, just below times square. After we dropped our bags, we went out to explore the city with one thing on our minds-FOOD! Luckily we walked past a Five Guys burger joint and I was able to drag Davin in for a much needed belated lunch.

Fed and refreshed we spent the rest of the day wandering Times Square, met two of our mutual friends for dinner before finally crashing into bed around 10pm, 3am London time!

Monday 31 December 2012

London Curtain Call.

And just like that it comes to an end. 21 months ago Davin and I landed at Stansted airport wearing everything we owned, terrified of the unknown London winter. I was convinced I would freeze to death in my first week, Davin was sure that as always I was over-reacting. We have had an absolute ball in the time since, we have travelled to Scotland (twice), Alicante (twice), Turkey, Amsterdam, Paris, Portugal, Barcelona, Dubrovnik and most recently Prague. We cheered on Australia and Team GB in the Olympic Games and drank champagne in Hyde Park to celebrate the royal wedding. Now we are packing up out tiny apartment (read:throwing everything that isn't make up and thermals in the bin), and readying ourself for the next big challenge; The USA. This Blog is called Full 360 to celebrate our great adventure, since leaving home (Perth, Western Australia) in March 2011 we will soon complete a full 360 of the globe.
The idea to drive across the USA was hatched 12 months ago as we contemplated our final year in London, I had to be back home to start my masters by the end of February 2013 and we wanted to see America before we landed back in Australia. Our route is approximate and will no doubt change as we break down, break up and get wildly lost on the way.
Tomorrow I will update this blog with our planned (very rough) route and plans, for the moment I am going to go toast to great year that was 2012 and ring in 2013 with fireworks over the Thames. Sigh, London I will miss you.